Bulgasari is a fabled monster in Korea and China etc.
bulgasari eat iron, defeat nightmare and smallpox.
According to a Korean language dictionary, 'body is bear, nose is elephant, eye is rhino ,fur is needle, tail is cow, leg is tiger.' But, Bulgasari's appearance was recorded as a various appearance.
So, Bulgasari's look vary in different localities. And now, remaining the Bulgasari's stories are more than 20. For this reason, Bulgasari's pictures varies as artists. But the pictures have something in common. In summary, body is like bear, head and nose is like elephant.
According to a book of the Joseon Dynasty era, "Unknown monster was there. so, I made an attempt to kill the monster, but the monster ate many iron. so, I could not kill. Therefore, the monster was called as 'Can't killing (不可殺 - Chinese pronunciation : Bul Ga Sal).' If throw this monster on fire,
the monster not dead and body is on fire from end to end. then invade private houses. so these houses are burned."
Here is more detailed story.
<<Bulgasri Story>>
In Goryeo (Korean Dynasty and the past than Joseon) era, there was Ki Jong-Lang of Buddhist monk. Accidentally, he received divination with 'You can take 100 sons.'from fortune-teller. After that, to take 100 sons, he forms a connection with women who came to pray at Buddhist temple. So, he gained 99 sons. Then, he tries to rape a wife of minister. But he was caught and put on the wanted list. So, he visited a younger sister's house to ask help. But the younger sister want to accuse brother to get for a reward. Husband of the sister who knows this fact killed his wife because husband thought that his wife betrayed moral laws. then Husband helps with his wife's brother.
In return, monk gives a monster which was made by rubbing rice paste. This monster looked like a small bug start eating small needles. then ate chopsticks,spoon,scissiors,hoe and etc. Eventually, this monter is getting bigger as more eating iron in Goryeo. Then, Goryeo tries to kill this monster but not died. So, this monster was called as 'Can't killing (不可殺 - Chinese pronunciation : Bul Ga Sal).' Goryeo used last means that burn the monster.
However, Bulgasari was not died. With body that had burned,this monster wander on Goryeo's territory. As a result, all territory ran into danger with fire. Goryeo's King has declared that a men who kill this monster can received goverment position and treasure. So, He attached a amulet which was given from monk(Wife's brother) at the Bulgasari's body. Then, Bulgasari vomitted all iron and vanished. As a result, He received not only a goverment position but also treasure and lived happily.
Bulgasari has a heroic feature. This monster has appeared at caotic time and neutralized hierarchy.
In addition, transimission aspects of Bulgasri show a greed of immoral human.
You can see Bulgasari's ectype if you visit Gyeonghoeru of KyungBok Palace. People believed that Bulgasari stone statue will protect fire. so people made this statue.
According to a book of the Joseon Dynasty era, "Unknown monster was there. so, I made an attempt to kill the monster, but the monster ate many iron. so, I could not kill. Therefore, the monster was called as 'Can't killing (不可殺 - Chinese pronunciation : Bul Ga Sal).' If throw this monster on fire,
the monster not dead and body is on fire from end to end. then invade private houses. so these houses are burned."
Here is more detailed story.
<<Bulgasri Story>>
In Goryeo (Korean Dynasty and the past than Joseon) era, there was Ki Jong-Lang of Buddhist monk. Accidentally, he received divination with 'You can take 100 sons.'from fortune-teller. After that, to take 100 sons, he forms a connection with women who came to pray at Buddhist temple. So, he gained 99 sons. Then, he tries to rape a wife of minister. But he was caught and put on the wanted list. So, he visited a younger sister's house to ask help. But the younger sister want to accuse brother to get for a reward. Husband of the sister who knows this fact killed his wife because husband thought that his wife betrayed moral laws. then Husband helps with his wife's brother.
In return, monk gives a monster which was made by rubbing rice paste. This monster looked like a small bug start eating small needles. then ate chopsticks,spoon,scissiors,hoe and etc. Eventually, this monter is getting bigger as more eating iron in Goryeo. Then, Goryeo tries to kill this monster but not died. So, this monster was called as 'Can't killing (不可殺 - Chinese pronunciation : Bul Ga Sal).' Goryeo used last means that burn the monster.
However, Bulgasari was not died. With body that had burned,this monster wander on Goryeo's territory. As a result, all territory ran into danger with fire. Goryeo's King has declared that a men who kill this monster can received goverment position and treasure. So, He attached a amulet which was given from monk(Wife's brother) at the Bulgasari's body. Then, Bulgasari vomitted all iron and vanished. As a result, He received not only a goverment position but also treasure and lived happily.
Bulgasari has a heroic feature. This monster has appeared at caotic time and neutralized hierarchy.
In addition, transimission aspects of Bulgasri show a greed of immoral human.

Hi! jong-seon. I`m sang-jin. Your story material is so interesting! In the first, I think that 불가사리 means Starfish that lives in the sea. but, It's a legendary animal! Its name mean that it is impossible to kill this animal. Thank you for good information. I'm getting to know new things in legendary animal.
답글삭제Hello jong-seon!!It's me Seung-woo.I read your cool posting about bulgasari. When I saw its name, I think starfish that lives in sea and beach. Bulgasari looks strange. Does it make sense that nose is elephant body is bear and eye is rihno...and so on. It is really horrible. Fabled monster is just legend. It is a fortune that bulgasari doesn't exist really. Anyway thank you for giving me good information~ Bye bye.
답글삭제Wow, I have never heard of this monster before. It looks really strange. It's an interesting story.
답글삭제A note on the Chinese pronunciation of those characters - it's actually "bu ke sha" not "bul ga sal".
답글삭제Wow !!
what us the relation between bulgasari and dreams?
답글삭제I'm also curious about something... besides being unkillable and that this legendary being eats iron doesn't the legend also say it was known to eat bad dreams? Or also know as a dream eater?
답글삭제Is Aggron
답글삭제Amazing story...loved it
답글삭제I know the word "Bulgasari" from a web series called "nine tailed fox" i was wondered if that word is true or not like literally is it mythical creature or not---turns out yes "true"
Anyway loved it
these information was helpful.... but i wonder what are its features, like of a vampire-it can read mind , fast in terms of speed, does'nt like sunshine, something like this... I also know about this monster like creature from the SERIES- "The Tale of Nine tailed".
답글삭제I can't find how long have they had these myths of Bulgasari
답글삭제hi !! Amazing post! I was getting ready to watch the new kdrama Bulgasal: Immortal Souls, but I wanted to learn a little more about the story in order to understand it a little more. Also because I like reading about folklore and myths. It's interesting because there are so many variations of the story. Some tell that it eats dreams, or the monk was running from the suppression of buddhism, it was actually a blacksmith who created the bulgasari, or the monk gifted bulgasari to a couple and said bulgasari-hwagasal (meaning cannot be killed, but fire can kill). I wonder which is the most popular told within Korea.