This picture is oriental dragon. You can see dragon in the myth and legend of the East,West. In the East, dragon is regarded as a auspicious creature which has sacred power. But, in the Christianity, dragon is regarded as a evil and heathenism. Dragon is found in many civilization. Appearence of dragon vary depending on area and culture. However, appearence resembled mostly a giant snake or lizard.
In the East, dragon is described a creature which has scaled body,four feet and sharp claws. Moreover, dragon has big eyes,long mustache and blow fire,poison by using nose,mouth. Color of body is green,yellow,red,white and black.
Here is a oriental description of appearence.
'Head is camel, horn is deer, eyes are rabbit, ears are cow, body is snake, stomach is big clam, scale is carp, claws are falcon, fist is tiger. This creature has not wings but can fly.'
But, in the West, dragon has wings like bat and torny tail.
The origin of 'dragon' is discovered in inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces.
English 'dragon' and Latin 'draco' originate in Greek 'δρακων(drakon)'.
Dragon has a many symbolical meaning depending on area.
India - Guardian of Buddhism law. This creature has a power to rule weather.
China - Dragon is an auspicious animal. Dragon generates cloud and rain.
If droughts occurs ,people hold a ritual for rain towards dragon.
Korea - Dragon is regarded as God of sea and water.
Egypt, Europe - Dragon is regarded as a evil and assistor to help a warrior and agricultural goddess.
In addition, dragon is regarded as an animal of power of emperor.So, in Korea, the face of King is
'Dragon face' - an accurate writing is the King's countenance. And sitting space is 'Dragon seat' - an accurate writing is the king's seat. In Sejong(A king of the Joseon Dynasty) era, the nation makes an epic to justify establishing the Joseon Dynasty. This epic is called as 'songs of flying dragons(龍飛御天歌)'
Dragon has many feature,story and symbolic meanings depending on area. So, you can search about dragon with Internet,books.
Hi Jong Sun! This is Cheol Gyu. I visit here first time. Therefore I didn't know about your topic. Your topic resembles your image that very mystic. (Like your face it is so mystic. HaHa just kidding~) I didn't know about dragon and meanings. By this time, I can understand the meaning of dragon. Thank you bro. See you soon~
답글삭제Hi, Jong sun! I'm Ji Won. You know, a route that most guys get what dragon looks like is 'Dragon Ball', which is a comic book. Of course, 'The Cabbage ascetic and the radish ascetic' may be the first time.:D When I saw that, dragon ball, I surely felt and remember its auspiciousness. The dragon granting somebody's wish! Above all things, its solemnness and soberness make me nervous so that I like it.
답글삭제Hi~ Jong Seon. It's a first visit to your blog. After I read your post, I know that dragon is originated in various place. Like dragon was originated in India, China, Korea, egypt and Europe. I feel marvelous at that fact. Because it's impossible to exchanging culture along long distance at ancient. It's interesting.